Healthy Living

Friday, August 9, 2019

Oil pulling - Restore back the retrieved gums

Oil Pulling Benefits

This is a pretty old method used by our ancestors or scholars of Ayurveda considering, a clean mouth leads to a clean stomach/digestive system which in turn implies a healthy body.  Oil pulling is an ancient Indian remedy to clean the mouth and teeth. 

How to do Oil Pulling: All you have to do, every morning the first thing before brushing, take 5 to 10 ml of sunflower oil or sesame oil or even coconut oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes swishing, moving (do not swallow) and spit out the white liquid mixed with your saliva  stuffed with germs. Doing this regularly for one month will get rid of all accumulated toxins/harmful bacteria from your body. 

Oil pulling for dental hygiene/Oral health   

Our mouth contains different strains of bacteria. These bacteria in your mouth create a thin layer of bio-film on your teeth known as plaque.  Streptococcus-Mutans is one of the main bacteria in your mouth causing plaque buildup and tooth decay. 

The accumulation of plaque in due course may lead to bad breath, gum inflammation, gingivitis, and cavities.

How it works: During Oil pulling, when you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria get washed away and dissolved in the oil.

A study in children revealed that oil pulling with coconut oil was more or less equal to the use of standard chlorhexidine mouthwash in reducing S. Mutans (From Trusted Sources).  

Undoubtedly, Oil pulling will improve your gum-teeth health and even gums retrieved away from the roots are restored to the normal state.

Watch this video

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gooseberry- Natural antioxidant with lowering blood sugar abilities

Gooseberry juice with water

Gooseberries are rich source of Vitamin C along with other antioxidants and should be included in your diet plan compared to oranges. Latest studies reveal Gooseberry juice with water every day will have good impact on glycemic index of diabetic patients. This process will eliminate toxins from your body , helps to boost cellular metabolism ultimately  reducing insulin resistance of diabetics.

Indian gooseberry also known as Amla  belongs to the group of many  common natural medicines used in Ayurveda medicine is an excellent source of vitamin C and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and chromium. These nutrients help to strengthen  your gut bacteria thus boosting body immunity .  Also the tannin, poly-phenols etc in Amla  will reduce lipids, triglycerides deposit in Liver and Chromium can regulate carbohydrate metabolism and keep blood glucose levels normal.

However, Consult your doctor before adding amla to your diet, as having both amla and diabetes medications simultaneously may cause the blood sugar levels to drop significantly low  named "hypoglycemia" a dangerous condition for diabetics.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Benefits of organic Lemon water

Make your body more alkaline with lemon juice mixed with water 

Those who are not pleasant with the sour taste of lemon can add very little sugar to taste. One half cut lemon will be sufficient for one glass of water. Make it a practice and you will be surprised at the changes coming in your body , especially skin texture, glowing, immunity to common cold and other diseases etc.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in place of lemon juice will have the same benefits on your body. But those who are suffering from stomach ulcers are not advised to use lemon or vinegar which may aggravate the condition.

Water therapy - Secret of prolonged life span

  Drink plenty of water for the natural body cleansing of our vital organs. 

Many health professionals or web sites are advising to drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water which may not be feasible for everybody but at least one full glass of water on empty stomach early morning everyday will have wonderful effects on your body metabolism as per researches .

Of course those who can drink the 7-8 glasses range will be more get benefited. Better to meet this target with sufficient gap rather than filling up the gut at a stretch which may affect the digestion process due to over dilution of digestive enzymes. The ultimate effects are relief from constipation, mouth dryness, bad odor, skin allergy etc.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Health – Wellness-Fitness tips

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Oil pulling - Restore back the retrieved gums