Healthy Living

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Gooseberry- Natural antioxidant with lowering blood sugar abilities

Gooseberry juice with water

Gooseberries are rich source of Vitamin C along with other antioxidants and should be included in your diet plan compared to oranges. Latest studies reveal Gooseberry juice with water every day will have good impact on glycemic index of diabetic patients. This process will eliminate toxins from your body , helps to boost cellular metabolism ultimately  reducing insulin resistance of diabetics.

Indian gooseberry also known as Amla  belongs to the group of many  common natural medicines used in Ayurveda medicine is an excellent source of vitamin C and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus and chromium. These nutrients help to strengthen  your gut bacteria thus boosting body immunity .  Also the tannin, poly-phenols etc in Amla  will reduce lipids, triglycerides deposit in Liver and Chromium can regulate carbohydrate metabolism and keep blood glucose levels normal.

However, Consult your doctor before adding amla to your diet, as having both amla and diabetes medications simultaneously may cause the blood sugar levels to drop significantly low  named "hypoglycemia" a dangerous condition for diabetics.


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